Root Packages

  1. INBOX
  2. ASAP
  3. Estimates
  4. Sprint 16-3
  5. Sprint 16-4 - Staging
  6. Projects
  7. Internal


This is the default place that new tasks will go when they get created from other tabs like "My Work" and "Timesheets". Tasks SHOULD NOT remain here, they need to be moved to their correct Project Folder and if necessary, also into a package.


This package should almost always remain empty. The only time it is used is when something that wasn't originally planned needs to be at the top of your priority list. For example: AKOT's SSL cert expired and they immediately need a new one.


This package is reserved for tasks for making estimates. When management needs you to create an estimate for a prospective client, a task should be created under the project "TL-Estimates for Prospects" and package "Estimates". This should help bring the task higher up in your list of priorities.

Sprint [year]-[number]

These are sprint packages for organizing your tasks that are to be completed during a sprint. There should be sub-packages representing clients to help keep sprints organized.

Sprint [year]-[number] - Staging

Sprint packages that are suffixed with "Staging" are packages that are in preparation for the next sprint. These will be renamed to just the Sprint [year]-[number] when they are no longer staging.


This package is where ALL client project folders (blue folders) will live. There should never be a client project folder found any-where's else.

  • Active - This sub-package is where all of our active projects are located.
  • SEO - These are SEO projects, only projects that are currently doing SEO will be located here.
  • Estimated - Projects in here are for LARGE estimates. Where we need to create many tasks that are well thought out.
  • Inactive - These should be older projects that have been placed On Hold for the unforeseeable future.


The internal package contains all ThoughtLab related projects and containers for internal items. Projects prefixed with "TL-" are projects that will never be marked as done. These are for containers for tasks that happen throughout the company that are generally always on going.

  • TL-Holidays - Full and Partial day events have already been created for everyone and live in this project. You will log the appropriate amount of time when these holidays come up. Full and Partial day events do not need to be placed in a package. Events will automatically rise to the top of your "My Work" tab because they are set to be at the certain date and time.
  • TL-Meetings - Full and Partial day events should be created here for ThoughtLab meetings. These meetings include things like "Code Review", "Leadership Meeting", "Team Meetings", etc.
  • TL-Time Off - Once you've requested and have time off approved in Xero, you should create Full or Partial day events in this project. Events will block out a particular time in your LP schedule automatically. You will also log your time for your time off here. You do not need to distinguish whether your time off is paid or unpaid within LP. We only care about when your time off is.
  • TL-Hardware / Software Maintenance - This project is for tasks directly related to ThoughtLab. Tasks here will be things like setting up a new computer for a new employee, deleting email accounts for old employees, fixing the network, phone system, etc.
  • TL-Research - This is for research that is directly related to ThoughtLab and NOT for a client. These will be tasks that Mike has specifically asked you to do for ThoughtLab and NOT a client. Any research for a client will go under one of their projects.
  • TL-General ThoughtLab Management - Tasks for preparing for leadership meetings, moving sprints, interviewing, etc will go here.
  • TL-General Account Management - Account Managers tasks will go here.
  • TL-General Sales - Sales persons that need to track time will log tasks here.
  • TL-General Marketing - Marketing persons will create and log time in tasks here.
  • Liq - Notice how this project isn't prefixed with "TL". This is an actual internal web application project for ThoughtLab. Eventually, one day, it will be marked done. The "TL" prefixed projects should not ever be marked as done, because they are always on-going.
  • Aerospark - this is another internal project for ThoughtLab.